The contemporary world of rapidly evolving spheres of human activity and the abundance of competitive ideas, attracting attention and making a change becomes challenging. And it becomes more when we talked about being original in this atmosphere, the originality of whom we are.
Being original isn't about creating something unique. It's not about saying or doing or thinking something that nobody else has said, done, or thought of doing.
Creating from a place of originality means creating from a place where all thoughts, ideas, and dreams originate. It's a realm we all share, a realm where exclusivity and favoritism do not exist, where you and I can be original while doing, thinking and saying the exact same thing.
There is no competition. There is no you verses them. When you create from a place of pure love and creativity, a place without fear or competition, without self-doubt or limitation, a place void of ego and selfishness, then you will create work that is original.
Originality equates with uniqueness; is BEING unique. There is nothing in all time and space that is ever duplicated, yet we are all born into cultures that impose conformity upon every individual. We have to conform if we want to belong. We have to conform if we want to survive. Up until fairly recently we had to conform on the threat of death. It takes courage to be your unique self, to be different, and to express that difference. It’s safe to conform.
Yet we have come to the point in our evolution where we must break free from that conformity, and discover who we really are, and where our potentials lie. We need to do it for ourselves, each other, and for the planet.
When we are expressing our uniqueness, there can be no comparison or opposition. Yet we feel neither superior, nor egotistic. We can honor the value of all life and cherish its pricelessness. If we are fortunate enough to meet another who is also centered in their uniqueness, then we only serve to joyfully share and enhance each other’s knowledge and gifts.
Originality results in an idea, something that no one else will ever be able to replicate, as they cannot look at it through your eyes. To everyone, originality means something else. Rather than a word originality can be viewed as a concept. It combines our creativity and individual perspective on a topic or situation.